Please control regularly the latest version of the updated program (v 17.11. 2024). The organization of the individual workshops including language facilities and other aspects depends directly on each conductor of them.  Please contact them if there is a need for further clarification. To register please use the following form

Application: by e–mail at:  see google form . For the community sessions (Social Dreaming Matrix, Large Group, Opening and Closure Sessions) the link is: or filling in contact data on the webpage.

The workshops and their conductors are listed in chronological order. The time table corresponds to the CET (Central European Time Zone). Please check your correct time zone! Thank you!

Large Group, Social Dreaming Matrix, Lecture and Hommage for Mónica Zuretti:  please have a look at the section at the end of this page



Si prega di controllare regolarmente il sito Web per l'ultima versione del programma. (versione 17.11. 2024). L'organizzazione di questi seminari, incluso le strutture linguistiche e altri aspetti, dipende direttamente da ciascuno di essi. Si prega di contattarli se c'è bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti.

Applicazione: via e-mail all'indirizzo della forma google. Per le sessioni della comunità (Social Dreaming Matrix, Large Group, Opening and Closure Sessions) il collegamento e: u compilando i dati di contatto presenti sul sito. 

I laboratori e i loro conduttori sono elencati in ordine cronologico. L'orario corrisponde al CET (ora dell'Europa centrale). Per favore controlla il tuo fuso orario corretto! Grazie!

Grandi Gruppi, Matrice dei sogni sociali, conferenza e omaggio per Mónica Zuretti: si prega di dare un'occhiata alla sezione alla fine di questa pagina



Consulte el sitio web regularmente por favor para tener la última versión del programa (versión 17.11. 2024).  La organización de estos talleres, incluido las facilidades lingüísticas y otros aspectos, depende directamente de cada director de ellos. Comuníquese con ellos si necesita más aclaraciones.

Inscripciones: por correo electrónico a: ver la forma google. Para las sesiones de la comunidad (Social Dreaming Matrix, Large Group, Sesiones de apertura y cierre) el enlace es: o rellenando los datos de contacto en la página web.

Los talleres y sus directores se enumeran en orden cronológico. El horario corresponde al CET (hora central europea). ¡Compruebe su zona horaria correcta!

Grupos Grandes, Matriz social de sueños, Conferencia y Homenaje para Mónica Zuretti: consulte la sección al final de esta página porfa


Thursday - Friday 1   Giovedi - Venerdi 1   Jueves - Viernes 1

Nilüfer Demirhan
Version 2024

Max number of participants: no limit    Languages: IT, ENG                             Form for registration:  here

C.V.  Nilüfer Demirhan, MA, lives in Istanbul, Turkey. She is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Family Therapist (EFTA), Jungian Psychodramatist, Transgenerational Therapist, EMDR Therapist and Art Therapist. In the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP) she serves as Young Professionals’ Section Chair. She works with individuals, families and groups and combines different psychotherapy approaches. Her main interests are dreams and archetypal patterns. 



The model of Jungian Psychodrama online will work on the collective trauma without retraumatization of participants. The conductor will teach how to integrate psychodrama and EMDR in individual and group sessions. The group will take place within a ritualistic framework, creating a safe space to advance personal and social healing in the collective trauma. Jungian Psychodrama derives from Jung’s analytical theory on dreams, from his concepts of the personal and collective unconsciousness, of archetypal images and individuation. The conductor will demonstrate the dream incubation technique according to the ancient medicine of Asclepion and the utilization of opening and closing rituals. Some dreams and memories associated to dreams will be played integrating tapping and other techniques, to help the protagonist to be in the Window of Tolerance and to elaborate trauma. After the final sharing, there will be a narrative observation which will communicate the story of the group processes and the meaning of the dreams which have been played, using a narrative style. It will enrich the plays with mythopoetic amplifications and will try to connect individual themes to the group’s collective unconsciousness.

Maurizio Gasseau Italy      
Version 2024

Max number of participants: no limit     Languages: IT, ENG                             Form for registration:  here

C.V. born in Rome, University professor, past chair of IAGP Psychodrama Section, Jungian analyst, certified psychotherapist and psychodramatist. Main interests are dream interpretation in psychodrama, social dreaming matrix, and trangenerational. He developed Jungian Psychodrama in 1980 and Psychodramatic Social Dreaming in 2004. Co-chair of IAGP Education Committee.

Co - chair of FEPTO Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation. He led training groups in 46 countries in presence.  Author of more than ninety publications on group psychotherapy and research, He received the FEPTO Excellence Award in 2017 and the Fellowship Award of IAGP in 2022



The model of Jungian Psychodrama online will work on the collective trauma without retraumatization of participants. The conductor will teach how to integrate psychodrama and EMDR in individual and group sessions. The group will take place within a ritualistic framework, creating a safe space to advance personal and social healing in the collective trauma. Jungian Psychodrama derives from Jung’s analytical theory on dreams, from his concepts of the personal and collective unconsciousness, of archetypal images and individuation. The conductor will demonstrate the dream incubation technique according to the ancient medicine of Asclepion and the utilization of opening and closing rituals. Some dreams and memories associated to dreams will be played integrating tapping and other techniques, to help the protagonist to be in the Window of Tolerance and to elaborate trauma. After the final sharing, there will be a narrative observation which will communicate the story of the group processes and the meaning of the dreams which have been played, using a narrative style. It will enrich the plays with mythopoetic amplifications and will try to connect individual themes to the group’s collective unconsciousness.

Jacob Gershoni 
Version 2024

Max number participants: 30
Languages: ENG, SPA
Form to register:  here

C.V.Jacob Gershoni, LCSW, CGP, TEP is the co-director of Psychodrama training at the Sociometric Institute in New York and is a lifetime member of ASGPP. Formerly a staff member at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and a Senior Psychiatric Social Worker at Queens Child Guidance Center. Jacob is also a member of the board of directors of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP). He has led workshops and presentations in many local and international conferences and has ongoing therapy and training groups.  Jacob is the editor of “Psychodrama in the 21st Century: Clinical and Educational Applications” (Springer, 2003) and author of articles and book chapters. His book was translated into Portuguese, Turkish and Chinese.

WORKSHOP Using Sociometry to Build up Support Groups in Troubled Time

This workshop will introduce the triadic system: sociometry, psychodrama and group psychotherapy and demonstrate how they are used in the three phases of the warm-up, enactment and closure/sharing. Moreno considered sociometry his most important creation following decades of work and research with many groups and culminating in the writing of “Who Shall Survive?” For many years it was little understood and relegated to the realm of social theory and research by sociologists. In this workshop Sociometry will be taught in action with multiple goals, such as: 

1. Identifying issues of group process, e.g. group structure and group energy. 

2. Revealing the underlying psychological structure of the group. 

3. Building cohesion and creating safety. 

4. Selecting a protagonist. 

The enactments will demonstrate numerous techniques to deepen expression, and in the discussion afterwards we will look at possible applications in various settings. Most of the work will be experiential; more action, less talk.

Luigi Dotti
Friday 1st session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 40
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register:  here

C.V. Psicologo e psicoterapeuta, direttore di psicodramma, sociodramma e playback theatre. Ho operato per oltre  40 anni nel Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, occupandomi particolarmente di psicoterapia di gruppo per adulti e bambini, della formazione di insegnanti, genitori, operatori sociosanitari ed educativi. Nel 2000 ho aperto il teatro di psicodramma in provaglio d'Iseo (brescia). Il teatro di psicodramma realizza psicodrammi pubblici  per la comunità e per le scuole. Ho scritto vari articoli e pubblicazioni su action methods, psicodramma e playback theatre.

I’m Psychologist and Psychotherapist, psychodrama and playback theatre director . I worked for over 40 years  in the National Health Service, conducting psychotherapy and training groups  for adults and children in the fields of  disability, psychiatry and health promotion.

In 2000 I opened the psychodrama theater in provaglio d'Iseo (Brescia). The psychodrama theater offers public psychodramas for the community and for schools.

I wrote several articles and books on action methods (playback Theatre, psychodrama and sociodrama).


“Le Scene temute: dalla solitudine alla condivisione” 

Il laboratorio propone l’esperienza di psicodrammi pubblici rivolti alla comunità, svolta al Teatro di psicodramma di Provaglio d’Iseo (Brescia). Dal 2001 sono stati realizzati oltre 300 psicodrammi pubblici, sociodrammi e performance di playback theatre rivolti alla comunità. Lo psicodramma pubblico favorisce il passaggio dal livello psicodrammatico al livello sociodrammatico, valorizzando il contributo dei singoli e del gruppo nel suo insieme. Nel laboratorio “Le Scene Temute: dalla solitudine alla condivisione” lavoreremo in particolare sulla fantasie e sulle scene evocate dal navigare in acque tempestose. Le scene temute individuali si collegheranno alle scene temute del gruppo, nella ricerca condivisa 

“The Feared Scenes: from loneliness to sharing” 

The workshop offers the experience of public psychodramas addressed to the community, carried out at the Psychodrama Theater of Provaglio d'Iseo (Brescia). Since 2001, more than 300 public psychodramas, sociodramas and playback theater performances aimed at the community have been produced. In recent years, in conjunction with the pandemic, online public psychodramas have been joined. Public psychodrama fosters a shift from the psychodramatic to the sociodramatic level, enhancing the contribution of individuals and the group as a whole. In the workshop “The Fearedd Scenes: from loneliness to sharing,” we will work specifically on the fantasies and scenes evoked by navigating stormy waters. Individual dreaded scenes will connect to the group's dreaded scenes in the shared search for hope.

Anna Varnai
 Friday 1 st session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 40
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register:  here

C.V. Clinical psychologist, psychodynamic Psychoterapist, specialised in Art Therapy and in Individual and Group psychotherapy and Psychodrama (COIRAG Institute, Turin, Italy). I work in public health care institutes as well as territorial projects conducting therapy groups with children, adults, couples, mother-child groups, using different expressive therapy approaches. 

Psicologa clinica, Psicoterapeuta specializzata in psicoterapia individuale e di gruppo con tecniche psicodrammatiche C.O.I.R.A.G. (Torino), Arteterapeuta. Lavora sul territorio torinese con gruppi di bambini, adulti, coppie genitoriali e coppia mamma-bambino, sia in ambito pubblico che privato, utilizzando l’approccio psicodinamico e la tecnica psicodrammatica, gruppoanalitica e delle arti terapie.



“Le Scene temute: dalla solitudine alla condivisione” 

Il laboratorio propone l’esperienza di psicodrammi pubblici rivolti alla comunità, svolta al Teatro di psicodramma di Provaglio d’Iseo (Brescia). Dal 2001 sono stati realizzati oltre 300 psicodrammi pubblici, sociodrammi e performance di playback theatre rivolti alla comunità. Lo psicodramma pubblico favorisce il passaggio dal livello psicodrammatico al livello sociodrammatico, valorizzando il contributo dei singoli e del gruppo nel suo insieme. Nel laboratorio “Le Scene Temute: dalla solitudine alla condivisione” lavoreremo in particolare sulla fantasie e sulle scene evocate dal navigare in acque tempestose. Le scene temute individuali si collegheranno alle scene temute del gruppo, nella ricerca condivisa 

“The Feared Scenes: from loneliness to sharing” 

The workshop offers the experience of public psychodramas addressed to the community, carried out at the Psychodrama Theater of Provaglio d'Iseo (Brescia). Since 2001, more than 300 public psychodramas, sociodramas and playback theater performances aimed at the community have been produced. In recent years, in conjunction with the pandemic, online public psychodramas have been joined. Public psychodrama fosters a shift from the psychodramatic to the sociodramatic level, enhancing the contribution of individuals and the group as a whole. In the workshop “The Fearedd Scenes: from loneliness to sharing,” we will work specifically on the fantasies and scenes evoked by navigating stormy waters. Individual dreaded scenes will connect to the group's dreaded scenes in the shared search for hope.


Jorge Burmeister 
Spain / Switzerland Friday 1 st session
Version 2024 

Max number participants: 56
Languages: ENG, ES
Form to register:  here

Email to write: bulmonte21

C.V. Medicine Granada. Trainer Psychodrama, CBT, Analytic Psychology Jung, Analytic Family therapy, Hypno Therapy. Founding member (FEPTO). Ex President IAGP. Lecturer Universities Founder Academy for Integrative Psychotherapy Founder Center “Jakob  and Zerka  Moreno”/ Granada. Dean “International Summer Academy” Granada. Facilitator MsF (Doctors without Borders). Recipient of the International Yaacov Naor Award  for Peace and Inter-cultural Dialogue.

C.V.: Medicina Granada. Formador Psicodrama, TCC, Psicología Analítica Jung, Terapia Familiar Analítica, Hipnoterapia. Ex Vicedirector Clínica Psicoterapia Littenheid. Miembro fundador (FEPTO). Expresidente IAGP. Profesor Universidades Fundador Academia de Psicoterapia Integrativa Suiza. Centro Fundador “Jakob y Zerka Moreno”/ Granada. Decano “Academia Internacional de Verano” Granada. Facilitador MsF (Médicos sin Fronteras). Galardonado con el Premio Internacional Yaacov Naor por la Paz y el Diálogo Intercultural.


Repair the world - Kintsugi & Tikkun Olam – a way to honour our history!

The ARCA is sailing through a world which is on fire. It needs us all to stop and overcome the pain, it needs all our hands and our heart. We are the reason for the pain, but we have the potential to remedy as well. 

Tikkun Olam, a Hebrew tradition: if we repair what has been lost, or hurt the very best pf us is going to emerge, the broken parts will reappear compassionately, a heart, so many hearts to share the way of healing. Kintsugi: a Japanese tradition to repair when we are facing failure. It is an act of kindness to accept and to redeem the broken pieces. They are united by a golden powder, a trace of imperfection. The hurt is not disowned, dismissed or even more repressed. He is embraced and will encourage us to honour our history. Come and join us to re-pair the world whereever we can .

Reparar el mundo - Kintsugi y Tikkun Olam: ¡una forma de honrar nuestra historia!

El ARCA navega por un mundo que está en llamas. Necesita que todos nos detengamos y superemos el dolor, necesita todas nuestras manos y nuestro corazón. Somos la razón del dolor, pero también tenemos el potencial de remediarlo.

Tikkun Olam, una tradición hebrea: de reparar lo que perdimos, o herimos. Emergerá lo mejor de nosostros, las partes rotas reaparecerán compasivamente, un corazón, tantos corazones comparten el camino de curar. Kintsugi: una tradición japonesa de reparar cuando nos enfrentamos al fracaso. Es un acto de bondad aceptar y redimir los pedazos rotos. Están unidos por una pólvera dorada, rastro de imperfección. El dolorido no se reniega, ni se desestima o se reprime aún más. Es abrazado y nos anima a honrar nuestra historia. Ven y únete a nosotros para reparar el mundo dondequiera que podamos.

Cristina Martinez Taboada Spain
Friday, 1st session Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG/SP
Form to register:  here

C.V. IAGP Vice-President IAGP International trainer Senior Professor Social Psychology - Psychology of Groups. UPV/EHU Spain Former Education Committee co-chair, current education committee member Past Chair IAGP Transcultural Section Workshops in Beijing (China), Pretoria (South Africa), Rovinj (Croatia), Cairo (Egypt), Venezuela Staff member International Summer Academy of Granada Member of SCPES Spanish Scientific Society on Social Psychology Member Association of Analytic Group Psychotherapy APAG Spain Past president Spanish Society of Group Psychotherapy and Techniques SEPTG Last book, Martínez-Taboada, C., & Arnoso, A. (2024) Psicología de los Grupos, esencia dinámica de la identidad personal y social. McGraw Hill / Aula Magna


Against adverse winds and tides, la nave va … Emphasizing the spirit and courage of good sailors 

Goals:                                                  Identify the adverse winds of our ship                                           Differentiate whether they are external or not                                       Distinguish and play with the flowing tides                                                          Detect strategies for unpredictable navigation scenarios                           Share narratives

"Against adverse winds and tides we sail," sums up the humble and brave spirit in the face of adversity of good sailors. Whether in literal navigation or in the metaphorical challenges of our group's course, this attitude will be key to reaching a good port.


Contra vientos y mareas adversas, la nave va... Destaca el espíritu y la valentía de los buenos navegantes 

Objetivos                                      Detectar en que dirección soplan los vientos adversos de nuestra nave Averiguar en que dirección soplan     Distinguir y jugar con las mareas que fluyen                                         Detectar propia estrategias ante los escenarios de navegación imprevisibles                           Compartir narrativas 

"Contra vientos y mareas adversas navegamos”, resume el espíritu humilde y valiente ante la adversidad de los buenos marineros. Ya sea en la navegación literal o en los desafíos metafóricos del rumbo de nuestro grupo, esta actitud será clave para alcanzar un buen puerto

Max number of participants: 24  Languages: ENG , ES                           Form for registration:  here

C.V. Swedish senior licensed clinical psychotherapist, authorized teacher and supervisor (University of Umeå, Sweden) of Psychotherapy. Lacanian, Systemic Family Therapy, Integrative Body Therapy and Transgenerational Therapy. Works internationally as a teacher, trainer and supervisor of Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Sociodrama, Bibliodrama, Improvised Theatre and Restorative Justice. Cofounder of FEPTO and of FEPTO Task Force for Peace and Conflict Transformations. Former Board member of FEPTO and of IAGP. Former Chair of IAGP Trauma Disaster Intervention Team (TDIT). Several awards among them “Life Time Achievement” by FEPTO and “Fellow” by IAGP.


“The Magic of the Magic Shop” 

This shop is not like any other shop you have ever visited! It is a vibrant shop where the customers can come and buy whatever they need to transform old patterns and get a better life. Someone might need to buy “courage” – “How much courage do you need?” the shop owner might ask. “One kilo!” – “Oh, are you sure you really need a whole kilo?” – The shop owner will describe the consequences of having too much courage – it might become very dangerous! The negotiating will go back and forth until the customer is satisfied. – Now comes the payment – “What are you willing to pay?” the shop owner asks – perhaps the customer will want to pay with “shame” – but how much shame. – What will happen if you have sold out all the shame you have? The Magic Shop gives you a humorous experience and opportunity to reflect upon the life patterns and the roles you have taken or have been assigned and to give you a new chance for a personal transformation and the opportunity to add on new qualities and to give up non-functional ones (or to limit them). The Magic Shop has its origin in the 40’s by JL Moreno and has since been used and developed by several psychodramatists, among them Anne Ancelin Schützenberger and René F Marineau. This Workshop will give hands-on-experience as well as some theoretical discussion.

Leonardo Seidita Italy 
Friday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register: here

C.V. Leonardo Seidita is a psychologist, psychotherapist, group analyst and Jungian analytical psychodramatist. Member of the IAGP. Lecturer at LUMSA University of Palermo. Founding member and teacher at the Polisanalysis Society of Rome. Teacher at AION School of specialization in analytical psychotherapy in Bologna. He leads online psychodrama awareness groups and Jungian analytical psychodrama groups within residential therapeutic communities. He edited the volume "Online Groups and Psicodramma" with Maurizio Gasseau and Wilma Scategni, published by Franco Angeli.

Leonardo Seidita è psicologo, psicoterapeuta, gruppoanalista e psicodrammatista analitico junghiano. Membro dello IAGP. Docente Università LUMSA di Palermo. Socio fondatore e docente presso Società di Polisanalisi di Roma. Docente presso AION Scuola di specializzazione in psicoterapia analitica di Bologna. Conduce gruppi di sensibilizzazione allo psicodramma online e gruppi di psicodramma analitico junghiano all'interno delle comunità terapeutiche residenziali. Ha curato con Maurizio Gasseau e Wilma Scategni il volume, edito da Franco Angeli, "Gruppi online e Psicodramma".


Liberare lo spirito dalla bottiglia

Prenderemo come riferimento la fiaba dei fratelli Grimm, Lo spirito nella bottiglia, di cui Jung scrisse una interessante interpretazione. Lo spirito Mercurio se non lo si riconosce nella sua doppia faccia, può arrecare guai, mentre a saperlo trattare dona benefici. Come gli alchimisti lavoravano dentro di sé la propria anima mercuriale per ottenere l'oro alchemico, cosi l'invito è a riconoscere in noi il trickster per ottenere i suoi doni.

Release the spirit from the bottle

We will take as a reference the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, The Spirit in the Bottle, of which Jung wrote an interesting interpretation. If the spirit of Mercury is not recognized in its double face, it can cause trouble, while knowing how to handle it gives benefits. Just as alchemists worked their mercurial soul within themselves to obtain alchemical gold, so the invitation is to recognize the trickster in ourselves to obtain his gifts.


Marianna Massimello  Italy 
Friday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register: here

C.V. Translator of works on psychoanalysis, psychology, history of religions; she is a psychodramatist, she has been conducting psychodramas in person and online for years, a facilitator of Psychogenealogy. Among her authors are Freud, Jung, Neumann, Jaffé, Eliade, Kerènyi.

Traduttrice di opere di psicoanalisi, psicologia, storia delle religioni; psicodrammatista, da anni conduce psicodrammi in presenza e on-line, facilitatrice di Psicogenealogia. Tra i suoi autori Freud, Jung, Neumann,Jaffé, Eliade, Kerènyi.


Liberare lo spirito dalla bottiglia

Prenderemo come riferimento la fiaba dei fratelli Grimm, Lo spirito nella bottiglia, di cui Jung scrisse una interessante interpretazione. Lo spirito Mercurio se non lo si riconosce nella sua doppia faccia, può arrecare guai, mentre a saperlo trattare dona benefici. Come gli alchimisti lavoravano dentro di sé la propria anima mercuriale per ottenere l'oro alchemico, cosi l'invito è a riconoscere in noi il trickster per ottenere i suoi doni.

Release the spirit from the bottle

We will take as a reference the Brothers Grimm fairy tale, The Spirit in the Bottle, of which Jung wrote an interesting interpretation. If the spirit of Mercury is not recognized in its double face, it can cause trouble, while knowing how to handle it gives benefits. Just as alchemists worked their mercurial soul within themselves to obtain alchemical gold, so the invitation is to recognize the trickster in ourselves to obtain his gifts.

Friday 2-4   Venerdi 2-4    Viernes 2-4

Eva Fahlstroem Borg Sweden
Friday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number of participants: no limit                                           Languages: ENG , ES                           Form for registration:  here

C.V. Swedish senior licensed clinical psychotherapist, authorized teacher and supervisor (University of Umeå, Sweden) of Psychotherapy. Lacanian, Systemic Family Therapy, Integrative Body Therapy and Transgenerational Therapy. Works internationally as a teacher, trainer and supervisor of Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, Sociodrama, Bibliodrama, Improvised Theatre and Restorative Justice. Cofounder of FEPTO and of FEPTO Task Force for Peace and Conflict Transformations. Former Board member of FEPTO and of IAGP. Former Chair of IAGP Trauma Disaster Intervention Team (TDIT). Several awards among them “Life Time Achievement” by FEPTO and “Fellow” by IAGP.


“The Magic of the Magic Shop” 

This shop is not like any other shop you have ever visited! It is a vibrant shop where the customers can come and buy whatever they need to transform old patterns and get a better life. Someone might need to buy “courage” – “How much courage do you need?” the shop owner might ask. “One kilo!” – “Oh, are you sure you really need a whole kilo?” – The shop owner will describe the consequences of having too much courage – it might become very dangerous! The negotiating will go back and forth until the customer is satisfied. – Now comes the payment – “What are you willing to pay?” the shop owner asks – perhaps the customer will want to pay with “shame” – but how much shame. – What will 

happen if you have sold out all the shame you have? The Magic Shop gives you a humorous experience and opportunity to reflect upon the life patterns and the roles you have taken or have been assigned and to give you a new chance for a personal transformation and the opportunity to add on new qualities and to give up non-functional ones (or to limit them). The Magic Shop has its origin in the 40’s by JL Moreno and has since been used and developed by several psychodramatists, among them Anne Ancelin Schützenberger and René F Marineau. This Workshop will give hands-on-experience as well as some theoretical discussion.

Nikos Takis
Friday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number of participants: 21   Languages: ENG                                   Form for registration:  here

C.V.: Nikolaos Takis, PhD is a clinical psychologist, individual and group psychotherapist, and psychodrama trainer. He is also an Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center of the American College of Greece. He is the past president of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations).  He is a member of the French and Hellenic Associations of Psychoanalytical Group Psychotherapy and the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society. 

Workshop: Where can we find some shelter from the storm?

Within the tempest one feels unsafe, unprotected and scared. Huge waves of violence and madness are crashing the ships. People feel helpless, abandoned, without a compass, in troubled waters and times. How can someone find peace and safety in turmoil? How can they give a meaning when all the pillars of reason seem to collapse? In times of upheaval there’s a need for some stability and security. We are looking back to trace moments of happiness and serenity and resort to relations with the ones we love or have loved. These moments of the past become beacons in the darkness of the present. In this short workshop, we will explore inside us and around us, searching for resources and powers that hat can help us get through. You are welcome to join us in this short journey.

Anna Varnai
Friday, 3d session
Version 2024

Max number of participants: 20    Languages: ENG                                    Form for registration: here

C.V. Clinical psychologist, psychodynamic Psychoterapist, specialised in Art Therapy and in Individual and Group psychotherapy and Psychodrama (COIRAG Institute, Turin, Italy). I work in public health care institutes as well as territorial projects conducting therapy groups with children, adults, couples, mother-child groups, using different expressive therapy approaches. 

Psicologa clinica, Psicoterapeuta specializzata in psicoterapia individuale e di gruppo con tecniche psicodrammatiche C.O.I.R.A.G. (Torino), Arteterapeuta. Lavora sul territorio torinese con gruppi di bambini, adulti, coppie genitoriali e coppia mamma-bambino, sia in ambito pubblico che privato, utilizzando l’approccio psicodinamico e la tecnica psicodrammatica, gruppoanalitica e delle arti terapie.

WORKSHP “Sailing in era of transition: how to stay together in changing?”

We started sailing in murky waters with Arca some years ago, in the closure of the pandemic, looking for a home, trying to manage conflicts and searching for light of hope while everything is changing around. Sailing together needs to feel ourselves, in order to be able to meet the Other. This encounter can take us to polarize, or to paralise: remaining in the complexity is a challenging aim. A constant sense of precariousness threatens our mental health, but we can learn to surf the waves and move flexible through the spaces we have at disposal: in-person, online, imaginative, uncounscious, etc. Our body perceptions, sensations, movements, expressions are our roots which let us feel alive through these spaces and reach each other. This work is sometimes hard but keeps us fit, because maintains us “in a form”: both in health (mental and physical) and in connection. In the workshop we will try to shape, to give a form: nonverbal expression with gesture, image, movement, to emotions, thoughts and to the relation. We will contact the roots of psychic energy hidden in our bodies and souls, looking together for resources and meaning also in conflict and in the encounter co-create hope. 

WORKSHOP  “Navigando in epoca di transizione: come stare insieme nel cambiamento?"

Abbiamo iniziato a navigare in acque torbide insieme con Arca qualche anno fa nella chiusura pandemica, cercando una casa, tentando poi di gestire il conflitto e cercando la luce della speranza mentre tutto è in cambiamento intorno a noi. Per navigare insieme è necessario sentir-si, in modo da poter sentire l’Altro. L’incontro con l’Altro può polarizzarci o paralizzarci: rimanere nella complessità è un obiettivo e una sfida. Un costante senso di precarietà mina la nostra salute mentale, ma possiamo imparare a navigare sulle onde come i surfisti e spostarci in modo flessibile tra gli spazi che abbiamo a disposizione: in presenza, online, immaginativo, inconscio, etc. Le percezioni, le sensazioni, i movimenti e le espressioni del nostro corpo sono le nostre radici che ci permettono di sentirci vivi attraverso questi spazi e raggiungere gli altri. E’ un compito a volte faticoso, ma ci mantiene in forma: ci mantiene in salute (mentale e fisica) e nel legame. Nel workshop cercheremo di dare forma cioè espressione non verbale, con un gesto, un’immagine o un movimento alle emozioni, ai pensieri e alla relazione stessa. Contatteremo le radici dell’energia psichica nascosta nel nostro corpo, cercando risorse e significato anche nel conflitto e nell’incontro co-creare speranza

Irene Henche 
Friday, 3d session Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, ES
Form to register:  here 

C.V. Clinical and Educational Psychologist in Madrid. Psychotherapist and PD Supervisor and Trainer.
Author of Symbolic Jungian Psychodrama as well as diverse publications on this topic.
Member of the Spanish Association of Psychodrama (AEP). National and International Trainer in Italy, France, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Argentina, Colombia. Director of Symbolic Psychodrama Training Centre in Madrid.
Member of AEP, FEAP, IAGP.

WORKSHOP                                         In search of the lost golden bead

In the story of The Frog King, the youngest princess feels that the most precious thing is a little ball of gold that belongs to her and with which she plays at throwing it into the air and picking it up again.
She usually enjoys herself in the palace garden, adjacent to a forest, in which there is a deep well.
One day he is playing with his little golden ball, he throws it and picks it up, what a wonderful game! And at one point, the little ball rises high in the air and as it is descending, she realizes that it is not going to reach her open hands, but sees it falling in slow motion into the unfathomably deep well.
She looks out and sees only darkness.
It is not possible to go deeper into the well. She has lost the precious ball.
She is truly overwhelmed and disconsolate and cries, cries with great sorrow.
A toad jumps into the well and tells her that he could retrieve her golden bead and give it to her, provided she keeps a promise.
Can we meet with our shadow and give it a place in our life?
Can we accept it, integrate it, perform an inner alchemical process, and not project it onto an external enemy that we would like to kill?
In this workshop we will explore our immersion in the darkness, our search to rescue what is most precious and the promise that will allow us our pacification.
Through Jungian Symbolic Psychodrama we will be invited to receive the psychological power of the wisdom of the symbols and to create a story that will allow us to discover in our unconscious our promise to give a place to our shadow.

TALLER En busca de la bolita de oro perdida

En el cuento de El rey rana, la princesa más joven siente que lo más preciado es una bolita de oro que le pertenece y con la que juega a lanzarla al aire y volverla a recoger.

Suele disfrutar en el jardín del palacio, colindante de un bosque, en el que hay un pozo profundo.

Un día está jugando con su bolita de oro, la lanza y la recoge, qué maravilloso juego! Y en un momento dado, la bolita sube alto en el aire y cuando está descendiendo, ella se da cuenta de que no va a llegar a sus manos abiertas, sino que la ve caer a cámara lenta en el pozo de profundidad insondable.

Se asoma y solo ve oscuridad.

No es posible adentrarse en el pozo. Ha perdido la bolita tan preciada.

Está verdaderamente abrumada y desconsolada y llora, llora con enorme pesar.

Salta un sapo al pozo y le dice que él podría recuperar su bolita de oro y dársela, siempre que cumpla una promesa.

¿Podemos encontrarnos con nuestra sombra y darle un lugar en nuestra vida?

¿Podemos aceptarla, integrarla, realizar un proceso alquímico interior, y no proyectarla en un enemigo exterior al que querríamos matar?

En este taller exploraremos nuestra inmersión en la oscuridad, nuestra búsqueda para rescatar lo más preciado y la promesa que nos permitirá nuestra pacificación.

A través del Psicodrama Simbólico junguiano seremos invitados a recibir el poder psicológico de la sabiduría de los símbolos y a crear un relato que nos permita descubrir en nuestro inconsciente nuestra promesa de dar un lugar a nuestra sombra.

Deniz Altinay 
Friday, 3d session VERSION 2024

Max number participants: no limit Languages: ENG                           Form to register: here

 C.V.: Master degree in Psychology in Ankara. Former general secretary in Turkish Group Psychotherapy Association and the founder and president of Istanbul Psychodrama Institute, Turkish Union of Psychodrama Institutes and Istanbul Playback Theatre. Founder of Child Psychodrama, School and Company Educations Section (sociodrama and rol training)

Books; “Psychodrama 450 Warming-Up Games, Handbook of Psychodrama Group Psychotherapy’, ‘Spontaneity Theatre.“Child Psychodrama”, “Selected Issues in Psychodrama”, Contamporary Applica tions of Psychodrama”, ”Moment”. Runnig “IGPP E-Journal”.

Board Member of IAGP. Member of FEPTO-EAP.

Workshop "Personal and Collective Images of Social and Collective Traumas and Sociodrama"

While Moreno's sociodrama deals with the themes of groups, his psychodrama addresses the personal development and problems of the individual. It is clear that every trauma has both individual and collective reflections on people, and the more a person is aware of this, the better they can cope with the effects of these traumas. 

In this sociodramatic group work, where we aim to establish the connection between the individual and the collective, we may perhaps gain more control over ourselves. In this sociodramatic workshop, it will be aimed to have a deep insight into the effects and reflections of traumas. 

Sociodrama will be highlighted as a sociatric method of Moreno.

Marcia Karp
Great Britain
Friday, 4th session VERSION 2024

Max number participants: no limit Languages: ENG                           Form to register:  here

 C.V.: Marcia Karp M.A. UKCP; TEP Psychodrama Trainer, Educator, Practitioner

Co-Founder and Past Honorary President BPA; Co-Founder and Honorary Member FEPTO; Distinguished Fellow and Past Board Member IAGP; Fellow ASGPP; JL Moreno Lifetime Achievement and William Moreno Awards,

Lifetime Achievement Award BPA; Co-Director Holwell International Centre for Psychodrama and Sociodrama;

Co-Editor 3 books “The Handbook of Psychodrama” “Psychodrama Since Moreno” “Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique”(Routledge) Available in English ( Amazon) Portuguese, Ukrainian, Japanese, Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Chapter in Psychodrama for Trauma Survivors, Online Training and Treatment Groups, International Trainer and Supervisor Private Practice



From success we yearn; from failure, we learn… What has worked and why? 

Participants will share enactments of being an audience, auxiliary, protagonist and director in life.


Saturday 1-2  Sabato 1-2  Sábado1-2

Annalisa Corbo
Friday, 4th session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register:  here

C.V. Social and Developmental Psychologist, graduated in psychotherapy from the Studio di Psicodramma in Milan. Passionate about play, particularly live-action role-playing (LARP), she has been exploring a personal integration of psychodrama, psychotherapy, and play for years.

Professional Experience:
Co-founder of the training company Psicoludìa, she is currently a training consultant for various companies.
Trainer of healthcare personnel at ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo and a trainer and supervisor at the Casa di Cura Privata del Policlinico Dezza in Milan.
Consultant at Progetto Itaca Onlus and has also collaborated with the educational office of Emergency ONG, where she co-designed, implemented, and conducted an educational live-action role-playing game (edu-larp) as part of a larger training project.
Co-author of the volume published by Franco Angeli, “Edu-larp – Game Design per giochi di ruolo educativi”.
Co-author of the chapter “A Trilogy Of Power And Oppression” in the book "Larp Politics".
Co-authored the article “Adolescenti in gioco” for the Rivista di Scienze Sociali and “Lo psicodramma come metodo formativo integrato con tecniche di diverso approccio” for the journal Psicodramma Classico.
She curates the series “Psicoludìa” for Eduzioni Underground!, with the first volume titled “Dixit: da gioco a medium relazionale” having been published.
Her work is characterized by a profound interest in the therapeutic and educational applications of role-playing and psychodrama, and she continues to contribute to the development and dissemination of these interdisciplinary methodologies.

Workshop:  Passando in un secondo dal mio cielo al vostro mare 

Psicodramma classico e uso di giochi

Il workshop propone un lavoro psicodrammatico classico, coadiuvato dall'uso delle Carte Dixit, carte da gioco illustrate che permettono di lavorare con l'immaginario.

L'idea è di creare dei personaggi con le carte Dixit per poter  trattare il delicato argomento della cura del nostro ambiente, del pianeta che tutte e tutti abitiamo, la Terra.

WORKSHOP Passing in a second from my sky to your sea

Classic Psychodrama and the Use of Games

The workshop offers classic psychodramatic work, supported by the use of Dixit cards, illustrated playing cards that allow work with the imagination. The idea is to create characters with Dixit cards in order to address the delicate topic of caring for our environment, the planet we all inhabit, Earth.

Arsaluys Kayir 
Saturday, 1st session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 24
Languages: ENG
Form to register:  here

C.V. Arşaluys Kayır worked at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine in the Psychiatry Department as a clinical psychologist and a faculty member for 40 years until her retirement.
She treated sexual problems mainly in homogenous sexual therapy groups for 30 years and taught sexuality and sexual therapy classes to psychiatry residents and medicine students. She played a significant role in bringing awareness to vaginismus in Turkiye. She continues to
teach in different psychology faculties. She is currently working at Dr. Abdülkadir Özbek Psychodrama Institute (since 1992) as senior trainer supervisor and at Sexual Training Treatment and Research Association (since 1998).
Almost all of her publications are on sexuality, sexual therapy, psychodrama and vaginismus sex therapy group processes. For many years she took upon the role of enlightening the society on sexuality and sexual problems. She has been a council member in the Istanbul
Psychodrama Association and FEPTO (ethics chair, advisory board and awards committee) and an IAGP Scientific board member.

WORKSHOP: Power Struggle and Sexual Sabotages In Stormy Waters

A mate is in a unique position to either enhance or destroy the sexual pleasure and functioning of the partner . Why do couples destroy each other’s sexuality . And how do they accomplish this? The tension and dynamics between the partners , have the potential for evoking positive as well as negative responses in each partner. In poor sexual relationship one partner fails to encourage the flowering of sexual expression of the other.Instead one subtly punishes,discourages,frustrates and undermines the other’s sexual confidence in a covert manner which is not recognized or appreciated by either. The power struggle motivation as well as the anger it engenders and its destructive effect on other individuals, generally operates without couple’s awareness. A wide array of sexual sabotage maneuvers are employed by ambivalent partners. Sexual sabotage is not open and overt, but subtle and unacknowledged by both. If you are curious to open out the curtain to see the hidden in your intimate relationships, this psychodramatic workshop will give that chance. 

Sevda Pervin Bikmaz
Saturday, 1st sessio 
Version 2024

Max number participants: 24
Languages: ENG
Form to register:  here

C.V. Sevda Bikmaz completed her specialization in mental health and diseases at Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2009. Between the years 2006-2007, she worked in the field of Neuropsychiatric Disorders at USA Arkansas University Medical School while receiving training on psychotherapy at St.
Louis University, Osler’s Institute and University of Arkansas. She is a certified art therapist.
She continues her psychodrama education at the thesis stage.  In 2008, she completed her sexual therapies training at Sexual Education Therapy and Research Association.
She has been teaching psychopathology, psychodynamic psychotherapy, personality disorders and group therapy classes at various universities and professional organizations since 2010.
Sevda Bikmaz is continuing her formation of psychoanalysis with the International Psychoanalytic Association. She currently is still in private practice.

WORKSHOP: Power Struggle and Sexual Sabotages In Stormy Waters

A mate is in a unique position to either enhance or destroy the sexual pleasure and functioning of the partner . Why do couples destroy each other’s sexuality . And how do they accomplish this? The tension and dynamics between the partners , have the potential for evoking positive as well as negative responses in each partner. In poor sexual relationship one partner fails to encourage the flowering of sexual expression of the other.Instead one subtly punishes,discourages,frustrates and undermines the other’s sexual confidence in a covert manner which is not recognized or appreciated by either. The power struggle motivation as well as the anger it engenders and its destructive effect on other individuals, generally operates without couple’s awareness. A wide array of sexual sabotage maneuvers are employed by ambivalent partners. Sexual sabotage is not open and overt, but subtle and unacknowledged by both. If you are curious to open out the curtain to see the hidden in your intimate relationships, this psychodramatic workshop will give that chance. 

Caner Bingöl 
Saturday, 1st
Version 2024

Max number participants: 30
Languages: ENG
Form to register:  here

C.V. Caner Bingöl MD PhD MA TEP 

Psychodramatist, Analytic Jungian Psychodrama Group Therapist, Trauma Focused Psychotherapist, Licenced Couple and Family Therapist. 

Dr.Ali Babaoğlu Jungian Psychodrama Sociodrama and Public Mental Health Institute (Founder, Conductor, Educator, Coordinator)


Psychodrama, Expressive Art, Jungian Analytic

Those who will attend this Workshop;     

1 will learn the story of Ishtar              2.will experience political psychodrama                                        3.will understand Jungian Analytic Archetypes

Ishtar was the goddess of  love ,ritual sex war ,beauty  and fertility ,her sacred marriage to god Demozi (Tamouz) ,Oudeness (Greek) who was the god of war & male fertility as mentioned in Gilgamesh Epic ,and poetry of their mutual desire was repeated. We are going to hear the voices of Ishtars from all around the world! 

Let's sing their voices: Jin Jiyan Azadi! Women Life Liberty!

Mona Rakhawy
Saturday, 1st session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 24
Languages: ENG, ARAB
Form to register: here

C.V. She is a psychiatrist, group psychotherapist and trainer. She has organized international conferences and coordinated several training projects in the field of mental health and group psychotherapy. She follows Yehia Rakhawy psychotherapy approach “Encounter, Togetherness and Responsibility” (ETRe). She has input in community mental health, and has founded and led NGOs in the service of individuals and communities, such as RITR,  EAGT, and  AAGTW. She is co-chairing the IAGP Education Committee. She is professor and head of psychiatry department at Cairo University, adjunct faculty at the American University in Cairo (AUC), and professor at EUE. She has several publications in mental health field.

WORKSHOP Can we revisit our "Us versus Them”?
A culturally oriented perspective

Belonging to a group is a fundamental human need. Nevertheless, mere categorization into "us" and "them" may drive individuals towards the preference of one’s group and rejection of the others. The "us versus them" mentality is deeply embedded in human and cultural heritage. Cultures often create collective identities and historical narratives that emphasize shared traits, values, and experiences. Among others, our identities include education, gender, racial, physical, appearance, religion.  In this workshop, participants will be invited to a journey of exploration of different cultural identities, such as age, socioeconomic status, gender, professional, etc. The group will explore differences and commonalities in our us versus them mentality. Creative arts will be used when relevant. The workshop aims at exploring the underlying psychological and cultural dynamics of the us versus them position, with the ultimate objective of cultivating more inclusive, empathetic, and cooperative interpersonal relations.

Vanda Druetta
Saturday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 30
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register:  here

C.V. Psicologa, psicoterapeuta, psicodrammatista  ad orientamento junghiano. Socia Fepto, ArtPai,Coirag, IAGP.

Docente di psicodramma presso Scuola  di psicoterapia Ipap  (dal 2018) e Scuola di psicoterapia Coirag (dal 1994). Conduce gruppi di psicoterapia, di supervisione e di formazione sempre con il modello dello psicodramma analitico.

Da 4 anni si occupa di psicoterapia individuale e di gruppo on line, é vicepresidente dell’Associazione Transiti, psicoterapia dell’espatrio.

Autrice di numerosi articoli  e di alcuni sullo psicodramma .

C.V. Psychologist, psychoterapist, Jungian psychodrama conductor. Member of Fepto, ArtPai, Coirag, IAGP.

Psychodrama professor in Ipap Psychoterapy school (since 2018) and in Coirag Psychotherapy school (since 1994). She conducts psychotherapy groups, supervision and training groups with the model of analytical psychodrama. 

Since 4 years she works with online individual and group psychotherapy, is vice president of Transiti Association psychotherapy of expat. Author of many articles, several of them about psychodrama. 

Workshop: Our Dreams to create new links, relationships

Jungian psychodrama workshop

led by V.Druetta, Elena Boccon, Miriam Buffa

We are inside a change of values and points of reference. One Is alone in the Building of new relationships. Can the images and the group create a real, an actual alternative to individualismo? With our images and our Dreams we are looking for new links and relationships. Junghian psychodrama workshop This workshop could be a good chance to meet whoever wants to meet, letting technology a tool for authentic Exchange.

Saturday 2-3  Sabato 2-3   Sábado 2-3

Miriam Baffa
Saturday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 30
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register: here


Workshop: Our Dreams to create new links, relationships

Jungian psychodrama workshop

led by V.Druetta, Elena Boccon, Miriam Buffa

We are inside a change of values and points of reference. One Is alone in the Building of new relationships. Can the images and the group create a real, an actual alternative to individualismo? With our images and our Dreams we are looking for new links and relationships. Junghian psychodrama workshop This workshop could be a good chance to meet whoever wants to meet, letting technology a tool for authentic Exchange.


Elena Boccon      Italy 
Saturday, 2d session 
Version 2024

Max number participants: 30
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register: here

C.V. Clinical psychologist, psychodynamic Psychoterapist, specialised in Art Therapy and in Individual and Group psychotherapy and Psychodrama (COIRAG Institute, Turin, Italy). I work in public health care institutes as well as territorial projects conducting therapy groups with children, adults, couples, mother-child groups, using different expressive therapy approaches. 

C.V. Psicologa clinica, Psicoterapeuta specializzata in psicoterapia individuale e di gruppo con tecniche psicodrammatiche C.O.I.R.A.G. (Torino), Arteterapeuta. Lavora sul territorio torinese con gruppi di bambini, adulti, coppie genitoriali e coppia mamma-bambino, sia in ambito pubblico che privato, utilizzando l’approccio psicodinamico e la tecnica psicodrammatica, gruppoanalitica e delle arti terapie.

Workshop: Our Dreams to create new links, relationships

Jungian psychodrama workshop

led by V.Druetta, Elena Boccon, Miriam Buffa

We are inside a change of values and points of reference. One Is alone in the Building of new relationships. Can the images and the group create a real, an actual alternative to individualismo? With our images and our Dreams we are looking for new links and relationships. Junghian psychodrama workshop This workshop could be a good chance to meet whoever wants to meet, letting technology a tool for authentic

Wilma Scategni
Saturday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ENG, IT

Form to register: here

C.V. Med. Doc. Psychiatist , Member IAGP, Staff Member Granada Academy, Staff Member Arcapsychodrama. Member IAAP - International Association for Analytical Psychology (Junghian) CIPA. Dipl. And past Docent C.G.Jung Institut Zurich. Resp.Public. Psychiatric Unit National Health Service.

Founding Member  FEPTO,  Past Member of the Council and Editor of FEPTO(Fed.Eu Psych.Training Org.)Newsletter. Books,essays and articles published in many different countries. 

Her most important book “Psychodrama, Group Processes and Dreams/ archetypal Images of Individuation” was published in four languages


To our children’s children/ Searching for drops of hope through Fairy tales in  Jungian Psychorama

What does it means working in groups on conflicts using the healthy power of “story telling” in Fairy Tales”? Coming back to our child experience can we find some drops of hope?
How we can share our personal childhood experience through Junghian Psychodama  sharing the  memories of the feeling  of safety in a warm familiar atmosphere?  What kind of peaceful effect can have to share images, symbolic paths and sharing stories? What drops of hope we can find for our children’s children for the difficult present time we are living ? May we find new creative resources and possibilities for the future?
Can we find together the way for opening the doors of mental health?
We’ll explore these topics in group through Jungian Psychodrama.


Jacomien Ilbrink
Saturday, 2d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 18
Languages: ENG
Form to register:  here

C.V.: Jacomien Ilbrink-de Visser is a creative arts therapist, CP and psychodrama trainer. She currently
is the chair of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. for 6 years and formally was the chair
of the Dutch/Belgian Psychodrama Association.
In 2001 Jacomien started her psychodrama studies in New York, after becoming acquainted with
psychodrama during her creative arts studies in New York. She originally studied psychology and
switched to creative arts therapies in New York. Jacomien specialised in conducting sociometry in
a safe and structured manner, as she discovered in coming back to the Netherlands that there was
a fear of doing overt (hands-on-shoulders) sociometry. She has published an article of her structure
in ä German handbook “Soziometrie” edited by Christian Stadler on conducting sociometry and is
internationally conducting workshops on sociometry.


After the storm

How to refind your balance after a storm and find new roles that help you readjust to the new situation? Find a new sailing course for your life? Not only for you but for other survivors of the storm as well. We will have a look at our roles, in the midst of turmoil and prepare for a calmer situation. We will use the group to find sociometric connections and their reflections to help you find your footing. 

Alejandro Jiliberto Herrera 
Saturday, 3d session 
 Version 2024

Max number of participants: 24 Languages: ENG, ES                             Form to register: here

 C.V.: Alejandro Jiliberto Herrera, Psychotherapist, Psychodramatist, Trainer and researcher. Creator of the Movie Therapy method, Constructive Mourning. He runs a clinic in Spain, Nexo Psicosalud and is responsible for International Relations of the Spanish Association of Psychodrama.

Alejandro Jiliberto Herrera, Psicoterapeuta, Psicodramatista, Formador e Investigador. Creador del método Cineterapia, Duelo Constructivo. Dirige una clínica en España, Nexo Psicosalud y es responsable de Relaciones Internacionales de la Asociación Española de Psicodrama.

WORKSHOP: Strengths for the current era

The TSM-Therapeutic Spiral Model and other models of preventive work for injuries and traumatic events teach us to prepare people by identifying, integrating and modeling their own strengths. Sociometric work will also help us exercise, role taking and training strengths with others in a group. 

WORKSHOP: Fortalezas para la era actual

El Modelo TSM (Espiral Terapéutica) y otros modelos de trabajo preventivo de las heridas y hechos traumáticos nos enseñan a preparar a las personas identificando, integrando y modelando las propias fortalezas. El trabajo sociométrico también nos ayudará a ejercitar, tomar y desarrollar las fortalezas con otros en grupo

Valeria Bianchi Mian Italy 
Saturday, 3d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: IT, ENG, FR
Form to register: here

C.V.  Valeria Bianchi Mian. Psicologa Psicoterapeuta Psicodrammatista. Insegnante Mindfulness. Creator Metodo Tarotdramma®, intreccio di Psicodramma e Tarot. Scrittrice e conduttrice di corsi di scrittura terapeutica. Autrice di "Fare storie", saggio edito da Giunti. Tra i suoi numerosi libri: "Come diventare un pirata, esercizi e racconti di coraggio", Golem Edizioni. Socia Apragip. Referente Società Italiana Psicologia Online. 

WORKSHOP: Pirati nella Tempesta 

L'immagine del pirata abita da sempre l'immaginario collettivo come colui che, stufo di portare la "cavezza", esce dal sistema e cavalca i mari all'insegna dell'illegalità. Eppure, questo cialtrone, beone e spregiudicato, diventa una figura mitica perché richiama la nostra coscienza, la solletica e la provoca potentemente con un vento di ribellione e libertà. Incontreremo pirati interiori, spesso prigionieri di armature sociali ma liberi sognatori di altri modi possibili di fare leggi, organizzare il mondo, creare legami. E affrontare le tempeste con coraggio. Il pirata è energia capace di riprendere il mare, anche quando sembra che tutto sia perduto. È il Puer et Senex con il cuore bianco e la bandiera nera. Vuole viaggio, vuole terra e mare, mare e terra. Il pirata sta a proprio agio anche nell'immagine imperfetta, sfocata, nel corpo con i suoi bisogni che gridano, ma sa anche restare in attesa senza cibo né acqua, o la vita o la morte. In questi tempi difficili, un po' di spirito pirata aiuta a veleggiare nei giorni. Sociodramma e Poesiaterapia a tema piratesco. 

WORKSHOP:  Pirates in the Storm

Pirates have always inhabited the collective imagination. A pirate is someone who rebels against the system and rides the seas in the name of illegality. It’s only party true, because this scoundrel, drunkard and unscrupulous subject is an archetypal figure: he recalls and shakes our conscience and powerfully provokes it with a wind of rebellion and freedom. We will meet the pirate spirit, as free dreamers and skilled and brave sailors in the storm. We Will find new ways of making laws, organizing the world, creating bonds. Even when it seems that all is lost, the pirate spirit take to the Sea again. He is “Puer et Senex” with his white heart and the black flag. In these difficult times, a pirate spirit helps us in our sailing through the days. Sociodrama and poetry therapy

Saturday 3-4 - Sunday 1     Sabato 3-4 - Domenica 1  Sábado 3-4 - Domingo 1

Anna Maria Frammartino Italy Saturday, 3d session
Version 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, IT
Form to register: here

C.V.: Annamaria Frammartino. Psicologa Psicoterapeuta presso ASL Città di Torino · Danzatrice. Psicodrammatista Socia IAGP · Socia Apragip Torino · Docente presso Scuola Coirag Sede di Torino. Docente per convenzione di laboratorio presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino per il Corso di Laurea di Psicologia Criminologica e Forense. Ha collaborato al saggio "Gruppi online e psicodramma", Franco Angeli.

Max number participants: 25
Languages: IT, ENG, FR
Email to register: 

C.V. Laureata in filosofia e successivamente in psicologia, psicologo clinico e psicoanalista junghiano, psicosocioanalista e consulente di direzione, counselor filosofico, terapeuta online, opera sia in ambito privato nel proprio studio sia in azienda con consulenze manageriali in Italia ed in area francofona.

È socio senior di Ariele (Associazione di Psicosocionalisti e Gruppoanalisti), socio fondatore di GAJAP e SICOF, ricercatore di riferimento per l’area filosofia e psicanalisi in Isfipp, membro ARPA (Associazione per la Ricerca in Psicologia Analitica) e IAAP (Intenational Association of Analytical Psychology), docente in Psicologia Dinamica e Gruppale in Scuole di specializzazione e Master universitari.

Graduate in philosophy and later in psychology, clinical psychologist and Jungian psychoanalyst, psychosocioanalist and management consultant, philosophical counsellor, online therapist, is active in his private practice and consulting companies at management level, in Italy and in French speaking countries. 

Senior partner of Ariele (Association of Psychosocioanlysis and Group Analysis), charter member of Gajap and Sicof, reference researcher in philosophy and psychoanalysis for Isfipp, member of ARPA (Association to Research in Analytical Psychology) and IAAP, (International Association of Analytical Psychology), lecturer in Dynamic Psychology and Group Psychology in postgraduates Schools and Master’s Degrees.

WORKSHOP: Pirati nella Tempesta 

L'immagine del pirata abita da sempre l'immaginario collettivo come colui che, stufo di portare la "cavezza", esce dal sistema e cavalca i mari all'insegna dell'illegalità. Eppure, questo cialtrone, beone e spregiudicato, diventa una figura mitica perché richiama la nostra coscienza, la solletica e la provoca potentemente con un vento di ribellione e libertà. Incontreremo pirati interiori, spesso prigionieri di armature sociali ma liberi sognatori di altri modi possibili di fare leggi, organizzare il mondo, creare legami. E affrontare le tempeste con coraggio. Il pirata è energia capace di riprendere il mare, anche quando sembra che tutto sia perduto. È il Puer et Senex con il cuore bianco e la bandiera nera. Vuole viaggio, vuole terra e mare, mare e terra. Il pirata sta a proprio agio anche nell'immagine imperfetta, sfocata, nel corpo con i suoi bisogni che gridano, ma sa anche restare in attesa senza cibo né acqua, o la vita o la morte. In questi tempi difficili, un po' di spirito pirata aiuta a veleggiare nei giorni. Sociodramma e Poesiaterapia a tema piratesco. 

WORKSHOP:  Pirates in the Storm

Pirates have always inhabited the collective imagination. A pirate is someone who rebels against the system and rides the seas in the name of illegality. It’s only party true, because this scoundrel, drunkard and unscrupulous subject is an archetypal figure: he recalls and shakes our conscience and powerfully provokes it with a wind of rebellion and freedom. We will meet the pirate spirit, as free dreamers and skilled and brave sailors in the storm. We Will find new ways of making laws, organizing the world, creating bonds. Even when it seems that all is lost, the pirate spirit take to the Sea again. He is “Puer et Senex” with his white heart and the black flag. In these difficult times, a pirate spirit helps us in our sailing through the days. Sociodrama and poetry therapy

Judith Teszáry Sweden/Hungary Saturday, 3d session 
Version 2024

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ENG
Form to register:  here

C.V. Judith Teszáry is a psychologist and certified psychodrama and sociodrama trainer and supervisor, trained by Zerka Moreno (Moreno Institute, Beacon, New York), international lecturer and private practitioner. She has worked with psychosomatic patients in a research and treatment project at the Swedish Stress Research Department. Founding member of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organizations), served as president for six years. She is the co-coordinator of the Task Force for Peace Building and Conflict Transformation group using the method of Sociodrama and Psychosociodrama in conflict areas. She has been working with refugees from the former Yugoslavia and with Roma women in Hungary. Since the war in Ukraine started working with support and psychotherapy groups. She is the chair of the Swedish Association of Psychodramatists. 


Workshop: Using the salutogenic perspective in helping the helpers in a war situation

Salutogenesis - means the origin of health, and pathogenesis is the origin of disease. How can we help the helpers living under the same circumstances as their clients? How can they keep their strength and confidence in the role of a therapist during the war, when bombing and missiles are falling around their homes or when they are overwhelmed and stressed by not feeling able to help their clients? How can the professional helpers care for themselves and not get secondary traumatisation through being too empathetic with their client’s traumatic experiences? What kind of survival strategies do they use? How did the ancestors survive the war they have been through? How can we come out of the state of hypo and hyper arouser? When the nervous system is overloaded and cannot tolerate the pressure anymore, the system shuts down, and we get paralysed, helpless and numbed. These reactions are the body’s defence mechanisms and are life-saving for the moment, but in the long run, if we stay in these states, these can endanger our lives. This workshop is a psycho-sociodramatic exploration of how to regain balance, integrate rational and emotional functioning, and tolerate stressful situations (broaden the window of tolerance) by focusing on the resources, thus developing resilience. Bring your cases or yourself as a case of traumatisation, and let’s learn from each other.


Gloria Reyes 
Saturday, 4th session 
Version 2024

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ES ENG (translation into English)
Form to register: here

C.V. Doctora en Psicología Universidad de Salamanca Magister en Coordinación Social, Psicologa de la Universidad de Chile Supervisora Clinica Acreditada Psicodramatista Cofundadora del Centro de Psicodrama de Chile Docente y Psicoterapeuta Autora de 6 libros, de teorías, prácticas e investigación en psicodrama, y de trabajo de sueño, arquetipo y transgeneracion.

CV: PhD in Psychology University of Salamanca, Master in Social Coordination, Psychology from the University of Chile
Accredited Clinical Supervisor, Psychodramatist, Co-founder of the Chilean Psychodrama Center, Trainer  and Psychotherapist
Author of 6 books, theories, practices and research in psychodrama, and work on dreams, archetypes and transgeneration.


“Navegando sobre el Sueño Azul”  - Taller arquetipal psicodramático

Trabajando el arquetipo del bien y del mal, en el contexto del inconsciente colectivo, inconsciente transgeneracional y personal. Con  el Metodo del sociodrama y/o psicodrama grupal. A través de esta forma explorar escenas individuales, escenas colectivas y/o sueños.

En este trabajo se entrelazan emergentes del inconsciente de la biografía individual, temáticas transgeneracionales y contenidos arquetipales. De esta forma desarrollaré un caldeamiento ligado a la cosmovision de nuestras culturas originarias mapuches y aymaras, respecto al buen y el mal. Luego a embarcarnos y navegar en el océano profundo de nuestro inconsciente.

WORKSHOP “Navigating the Blue Dream” - Psychodramatic archetypal workshop

Working on the archetype of good and evil, in the context of the collective unconscious, the transgenerational and the personal unconscious. With the sociodrama and/or group psychodrama method. Through this form explore individual scenes, collective scenes and/or dreams.

In this work emerging from the unconscious the individual biography, transgenerational themes and archetypal contents are intertwined. In this way I will develop a warming-up linked to the cosmic vision of our original Mapuche and Aymara cultures, regarding good and evil. Then we are going to embark and navigate the deep ocean of our unconscious.

Mario Buchbinder
Saturday, 4th sessio

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ENG, ES, IT                     Form to register: here

C.V.Médico, psicoanalista, psicodramatista. Poeta. Fundador y director del Instituto de la Máscara junto con Elina Matoso. Miembro fundador de Sociedad Argentina de Psicodrama Libros de ensayo entre otros: “Las máscaras de las máscaras” edit Ediciones la máscara. 2022." en co-autoría con Elina Matoso; Mapas del cuerpo. Mapa Fantasmático Corporal, Letra Viva, 2011, Bs. As., y numerosos artículos. Director de la colección: “Cuerpo, Arte y Psicoanálisis”, de Editorial Letra Viva Autor y director de obras de teatro. Libros de poesía, entre otros:” Pared de mandolina” Ed de la máscara. 2022 “Luz de obsidiana”; Lumière d’ obsidienne, Paris; De cuentos Cuaderno siena. Es profesor invitado en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y en otras Universidades. Profesor titular en la Universidad Abierta Interamericana. Clases teóricas y talleres en el interior y el exterior del país: Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Brasil, México, Uruguay, España, EEUU, Finlandia, Italia, Rusia, Suiza.

C.V.: Doctor, psychoanalyst, psychodramatist. Poet. Founder and director of the Mask Institute together with Elina Matoso. Founding member of the Argentine Society of Psychodrama Essay books among others: “The masks of the masks” edit Ediciones lamascara. 2022." co-authored with Elina Matoso; Maps of the body. Mapa Fantasmático Corporal, Letra Viva, 2011, Bs. As., and numerous articles. Director of the collection: “Body, Art and Psychoanalysis”, by Editorial Letra Viva Author and director of plays. Poetry books, among others: “Mandolin Wall” Ed of the Mask. 2022 “Obsidian Light”; Lumière d'obsidienne, Paris; Of stories Siena Notebook. He is a visiting professor at the University of Buenos Aires and other Universities. Full professor at the Inter-American Open University. Theoretical classes and workshops inside and outside the country: Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Spain, USA, Finland, Italy, Russia, Switzerland.

WORKSHOP: El diluvio universal y las sensaciones 

El diluvio universal produjo multiplicidad de sensaciones en este siglo XXI en este periodo con las diversas catástrofes como guerras terremotos, crisis socioeconómicas, pandemias, destrucción del ecosistema planetario y muchas más. Produjo y produce multiplicidad de sensaciones y de diversas conductas acerca de la vida y de la muerte. Poder trabajarlas en el Congreso del Arca puede generar condiciones y conciencia y diversas posibilidades de soluciones y de elaboraciones que pueden ayudar para la vida en este planeta. Se buscarán los modos de acercarse a esas sensaciones A las construcciones ficcionales, a la representación, las máscaras, la escena y el trabajo corporal en el camino de la elaboración, de la búsqueda y de la esperanza por la vida. En el taller la experiencia estará ubicada en el pequeño grupo. En el grupo numeroso los participantes podrán experienciar las mismas sensaciones y otras que puedan estar relacionadas con el conjunto del Congreso 

WORKSHOP: The universal flood and the sensations 

The universal flood produced a multiplicity of sensations in this 21st century during this period with various catastrophes such as wars, earthquakes, socioeconomic crises, pandemics, destruction of the planetary ecosystem and many more. It produced and produces a multiplicity of sensations and diverse behaviors about life and death. Being able to work on them in the Ark Congress can generate conditions and awareness and various possibilities of solutions and elaborations that can help life on this planet. Ways will be sought to approach these sensations. To fictional constructions, to representation, masks, scenes and body work on the path of elaboration, search and hope for life. In the workshop the experience will be located in the small group. In the large group, participants will be able to experience the same sensations and others that may be related to the Congress as a whole 

WORKSHOP Il diluvio universale e le sensazioni 

Il diluvio universale ha prodotto una molteplicità di sensazioni in questo 21° secolo durante questo periodo con varie catastrofi come guerre, terremoti, crisi socioeconomiche, pandemie, distruzione dell’ecosistema planetario e molte altre. Ha prodotto e produce una molteplicità di sensazioni e comportamenti diversi riguardo alla vita e alla morte. Poter lavorare su di essi nel Congresso dell'Arca può generare condizioni e consapevolezze e diverse possibilità di soluzioni ed elaborazioni che possono aiutare la vita su questo pianeta. Si cercheranno modalità per avvicinare queste sensazioni. Alle costruzioni immaginarie, alla rappresentazione, alle maschere, alle scene e al lavoro sul corpo nel percorso di elaborazione, ricerca e speranza della vita. Nel workshop l'esperienza sarà localizzata nel piccolo gruppo. Nel grande gruppo i partecipanti potranno provare le stesse sensazioni ed altre che potrebbero essere legate al Congresso nel suo complesso.

Silvana Graziella Ceresa Italy
Saturday, 4th sessio

Max number participants: 25
Languages: IT/SPAN
Form to register:  here

C.V.:laureata in filosofia e successivamente in psicologia, psicologo clinico e psicoanalista junghiano, psicosocioanalista e consulente di direzione, counselor filosofico, terapeuta online, opera sia in ambito privato nel proprio studio sia in azienda con consulenze manageriali in Italia e in area francofona, E' socio senior di Ariele (Associazione di Psicosocioanalisti e Gruppoanalisti), socio fondatore di GAJAP e SICOF, ricercatore di riferimento per l'area filosofia e psicoanalisi in ISFIPP, membro ARPA (Association of Analytical Psychology), docente in Psicologia Dinamica e Gruppale in Scuole di specializzazione e master universitari.

C.V.: licenciada en filosofía y posteriormente en psicología, psicóloga clínica y psicoanalista junguiana, psicosocioanalista y consejera de gestión, counselor  filosófica, terapeuta en línea, trabaja tanto a título privado en su propia consulta como en empresas de asesoramiento de gestión en Italia y en el área francófona, Es miembro senior de Ariele (Asociación de Psicosocioanalistas y Analistas de Grupo), miembro fundador de GAJAP y SICOF, investigador de referencia para el área de filosofía y psicoanálisis en ISFIPP, miembro de ARPA (Asociación de Psicología Analítica), profesor de Psicología Dinámica y de Grupo en escuelas de postgrado y masters universitarios.

WORKSHOP: Tempesta

Prendiamo spunto da La tempesta di Shakespeare per esplorare la capacità di perdonare e di riconciliarsi.

La magia di Prospero crea illusioni che influenzano la percezione della realtà dei personaggi, esplorando il confine tra realtà e finzione.

Ariel è lo spirito dell'aria al servizio di Prospero, il mago protagonista de La tempesta

La sua lealtà, il suo desiderio di libertà e la sua natura sovrannaturale contribuiscono a rendere l'opera ricca di temi e di profondità simbolica.

WORKSHOP: Tempestad

Nos inspiramos en La Tempestad de Shakespeare para explorar la capacidad del perdón y de la reconciliación.

La magia de Próspero crea ilusiones que influyen en la percepción de la realidad de los personajes, explorando la frontera entre realidad y ficción.
Ariel es el espíritu del aire al servicio de Próspero, el mago protagonista de La Tempestad.
Su lealtad, su deseo de libertad y su naturaleza sobrenatural contribuyen a dotar a la obra de una gran riqueza temática y profundidad simbólica.


Montserrat Valls
Saturday, 4th sessio VERSION 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: IT/SPAN
Form to register:  here

C.V. insegnante di Educazione speciale, psicomotricista e psicodrammatista. Formatrice di adulti e ideatrice e responsabile dei progetti di prevenzione (scuola dell'infanzia e primaria) I Care e We Ware dell'I.C. III di Pinerolo per 19 anni in collaborazione con la Neuropsichiatria Infantile e i Servizi sociali del territorio. Socia IAGP.

C.V.: docente  de Educación Especial, psicomotricista y psicodramatista. Formadora de adultos y creadora y gestora de los proyectos de prevención (infantil y primaria) I Care y We Ware  del I.C. III de Pinerolo por 19 años en colaboración con la Neuropsiquiatría Infantil y los Servicios Sociales de la zona. Miembro de la IAGP.

WORKSHOP: Tempesta

Prendiamo spunto da La tempesta di Shakespeare per esplorare la capacità di perdonare e di riconciliarsi.

La magia di Prospero crea illusioni che influenzano la percezione della realtà dei personaggi, esplorando il confine tra realtà e finzione.

Ariel è lo spirito dell'aria al servizio di Prospero, il mago protagonista de La tempesta

La sua lealtà, il suo desiderio di libertà e la sua natura sovrannaturale contribuiscono a rendere l'opera ricca di temi e di profondità simbolica.

WORKSHOP: Tempestad

Nos inspiramos en La Tempestad de Shakespeare para explorar la capacidad del perdón y de la reconciliación.

La magia de Próspero crea ilusiones que influyen en la percepción de la realidad de los personajes, explorando la frontera entre realidad y ficción.
Ariel es el espíritu del aire al servicio de Próspero, el mago protagonista de La Tempestad.
Su lealtad, su deseo de libertad y su naturaleza sobrenatural contribuyen a dotar a la obra de una gran riqueza temática y profundidad simbólica.


Marcia Honig 
Israel / Brazil Sunday, 1st session VERSION 2024

Max number participants: 25
Languages: ENG, ES
Form to register:  here

C.V.: Psychotherapist,Art Therapist and Integrative Counselor.

 Chair of the Transcultural Section at the IAGP;  Chair of the Master Degree in Art Therapy at Seminar Ha Kibutzim College; Member of the Scientific Committee 21st IAGP Congress2022; past Coordinator of the Psychotherapy Unit at  MELEL municipal Center; staff at Granada Academy( IAGP and UNESCO);  works with Group and Individuals at her private practice in Tel Aviv.

Topics of Last publications : Working with group diversity- Iagp Transcultural E- book ( at the web) ; Research on group therapy for children with ADHD (2022-hebrew), Psychotherapy groups for adolescents immigrants (iagp Forum Journal 2020). 

Marcia has been conducting workshops and lecturing in more than 15 countries for the past 17 years. Since March 2020 she has been leading Online International Groups, combining Art Therapy and Group Analyses- her expertise. 

WORKSHOP: Integrating Arts( poetry ,drawings) in Group Analysis

The encounter of persons in the Group Matrix is a meeting between different ideas, feelings and fantasies, with potential for growth and regeneration; but there are also destructive and traumatic forces in it. 

   In order to connect in a positive way, we need to enlarge\improve the ways of communication in the Matrix. 

Art is inculcated into cultures, it's an Universal Language, speaking directly to senses and thus to all humans. 

During this online workshop, we will explore the interplay between Poetry and spontaneous-Drawing into Group analytic processes. As Plutarch said, Painting is silent Poetry, and Poetry is Painting that speaks.

Let's explore it inside Groups and discover, through the creativity and the new colors which come up, the new paths of constructive communication.

Carlos Raimundo Australia
Sunday, 1st session

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ENG, SP
Form to register:  here

C.V. Dr. Carlos is a medical doctor and psychiatrist from Argentina with a master’s in business and is also a psychodramatist. He founded Active Learning International and is working on neuroscience research on insight and behavioural transformation. He has worked nationally and internationally as a leadership consultant, trainer, and supervisor for leadership and therapy programs.

Dr. Carlos is a catalyst for transformation and change. Through his insightful and effective tools, he helps people discover their true selves and who they are meant to be. He assists them in resolving, restoring, and healing from negative experiences, pain, trauma, and cultural influences. This process builds possibilities, resilience, and effectiveness, resulting in a life of satisfaction and happiness for themselves and their relationships, thereby positively affecting those around them and humanity as a whole.

Workshop: When the house is on fire. What do we do when we don't know what to do?

In moments of extreme stress, such as navigating stormy waters, experiencing a house fire, or facing any life-threatening situation, our environment can become out of control, highly unpredictable, and chaotic. During these critical times, we must rely on what we can control and influence. Our thoughts, emotions, and actions can significantly impact the outcome. The brain's response in such situations often oscillates between fear-driven reactions and strategic responses. Understanding and recognising these responses is crucial.

This presentation delves into the neuroscience of how we respond to perceived dangers and explores both personal and social strategies for effective situational management. It will also cover how learning from past experiences can help us prepare for future challenges, leading to better decision-making and improved overall well-being.


Viktor Semeanov Russia 
Sunday, 1st session

Max number participants: no limit
Languages: ENG, RUS
Form to register:  here

C.V. Chairman of the Executive Committee, Ph.d.,

Director of the Institute of Psychodrama and Psychological Counseling, Vice-President of the Psychodrama Association, the Chairman of the Psychodrama Online Section.

Workshop: SELF Psychodrama

Self-psychodrama is a development and adaptation of the classic psychodrama by J. L. Moreno. It develops and deepens the principles of psychodrama, focused on the study of the inner world of the personality.

If classical psychodrama mainly works with interpersonal relationships, then self-psychodrama is focused on exploring the versatility of a person's "I".

Self-psychodrama uses many of the techniques characteristic of classical psychodrama, but adapts and develops them to work with internal processes.

Self-psychodrama can become widespread and recognized as a separate direction within the framework of psychodrama, complementing its capabilities. It can enrich the psychodramatic approach by focusing on the inner world of a person.

In this workshop, we offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Self Psychodrama - to explore and develop your personality in the safe space of the group.

The workshop will include theoretical blocks, demonstrations of techniques, group psychodrama sessions and reflection. Participants will be able to act as protagonists, auxiliary selves and spectators, immersing themselves in the development of events and gaining new experiences.


In this section you will find the description of each large group, of the SDM and of the lecture explaining its practise, its benefits and goals.

In general they work as containers for all emotions and all perspectives related to our topic. They build on one another like the stages of our voyage the leaving, the cruise/voyage and the landing  They introduce into the main theme, explore its different flavours and implications, build bridges between past and present and will end up elaborating a vision for the future 

All of them are really important as they strengthen the connection between our community and our overall topic: to contribute to save this planet and all its inhabitants They enable us to co-create a profound understanding of the macrocosmic, social and global aspects of our life in this very moment using the resonance of the LG dynamics and its archetipical meaning.

En este apartado encontrarán la descripción de cada grupo grande y del SDM explicando su práctica, sus beneficios y objetivos.

En general funcionan como contenedores de todas las emociones y todas las perspectivas relacionadas con nuestro tema. Se construyen unas sobre otras como las etapas de nuestro viaje la salida, el crucero/viaje y el desembarco. Introducen en el tema principal, exploran sus diferentes sabores e implicaciones, construyen puentes entre el pasado y el presente y terminarán elaborando una visión para el futuro.

Todos ellos son realmente importantes ya que fortalecen la conexión entre nuestra comunidad y nuestro tema principal: contribuir a salvar este planeta y todos sus habitantes. Nos permiten co-crear una comprensión profunda de los aspectos macrocósmicos, sociales y globales de nuestra vida en este mismo momento utilizando la resonancia de la dinámica del LG y su significado arquetípico.

In questa sezione troverete la descrizione di ogni gruppo grande e dell'SDM che spiega la sua pratica, i suoi benefici e obiettivi.

In generale funzionano come contenitori per tutte le emozioni e tutte le prospettive relative al nostro argomento. Si basano l'uno sull'altro come le fasi del nostro viaggio: la partenza, la crociera/viaggio e l'atterraggio. Introducono il tema principale, esplorano i suoi diversi sapori e implicazioni, costruiscono ponti tra passato e presente e finiranno per elaborare una visione per il futuro.

Tutti sono molto importanti in quanto rafforzano la connessione tra la nostra comunità e il nostro argomento principale: contribuire a salvare questo pianeta e tutti i suoi abitanti. Ci consentono di co-creare una profonda comprensione degli aspetti macrocosmici, sociali e globali della nostra vita in questo preciso momento utilizzando la risonanza delle dinamiche di LG e il suo significato archetipico. Large Group
Wilma Scategni &
Arts Group Staff: Anna Varnai,  Maria Bingöl and Violeta Goldman
17 - 18

“The first Large Group is aimed to offer a welcome for all participants… and introduce the theme of this year, realizing a connection with the experience of precedent 4 Arca Event. 

The experience allows us to offer, through expressive art tools, symbolic messages that emerge in the group as a manifestation of the collective unconscious and of the unconscious of the group itself during the four years of the ongoing experience"


“Il primo Grande Gruppo ha lo scopo di offrire un benvenuto a tutti i partecipanti… e introdurre il tema di quest’anno, realizzando un collegamento con l’esperienza del precedente Evento Arca 4.

 L'esperienza permette di offrire, atraverso strumenti di arte espressiva, messaggi simbolici che affiorano nel gruppo come manifestazione dell'inconscio collettivo e dell'inconscio del gruppo stesso nel corso dei quattro anni dell'esperienza in corso"


“El primer Gran Grupo tiene como objetivo dar la bienvenida a todos los participantes… e introducir la temática de este año, logrando una conexión con la experiencia del evento Arca 4 precedente.

La experiencia nos permite ofrecer, a través de herramientas del arte expresivo, mensajes simbólicos que emergen en el grupo como manifestación del inconsciente colectivo y del propio inconsciente del grupo durante los cuatro años que dura la experiencia" Large Group
Wilma Scategni &
Arts Group Staff: Anna Varnai, Maria Bingöl and Violeta Goldman
17 - 18

“The first Large Group is aimed to offer a welcome for all participants… and introduce the theme of this year, realizing a connection with the experience of precedent 4 Arca Event.

The experience allows us to offer, through expressive art tools, symbolic messages that emerge in the group as a manifestation of the collective unconscious and of the unconscious of the group itself during the four years of the ongoing experience"


“Il primo Grande Gruppo ha lo scopo di offrire un benvenuto a tutti i partecipanti… e introdurre il tema di quest’anno, realizzando un collegamento con l’esperienza del precedente Evento Arca 4.

 L'esperienza permette di offrire, atraverso strumenti di arte espressiva, messaggi simbolici che affiorano nel gruppo come manifestazione dell'inconscio collettivo e dell'inconscio del gruppo stesso nel corso dei quattro anni dell'esperienza in corso"


“El primer Gran Grupo tiene como objetivo dar la bienvenida a todos los participantes… e introducir la temática de este año, logrando una conexión con la experiencia del evento Arca 4 precedente.

La experiencia nos permite ofrecer, a través de herramientas del arte expresivo, mensajes simbólicos que emergen en el grupo como manifestación del inconsciente colectivo y del propio inconsciente del grupo durante los cuatro años que dura la experiencia"

2. Large Group
Eva Fahlströhm Borg & Jorge Burmeister Petullá
17.30 - 18.30

The 2d large gives time to reflect what has been achieved yet and what is still missing, what can be our ressources to enhance our resilience and what are the pending issues which are still waiting to be addressed. Rumi says love is a dance between light and shadow. Come and dance with us to stand the storms and to harvest hopefully a blue sky in the end - whereever it is and how long it might take. Come and join us again.


El segundo grupo grande da tiempo para reflexionar sobre lo que se ha logrado hasta ahora y lo que falta aún, cuáles pueden ser nuestros recursos para mejorar nuestra resiliencia y cuáles son los asuntos pendientes que esperan aún para ser abordados. Rumi dice que el amor es una danza entre la luz y la sombra. Ven y baila con nosotros para aguantar las tormentas y, con suerte, cosechar un cielo azul al final, donde sea y por mucho tiempo que lleve. Ven y únete a nosotros de nuevo.


Il secondo gruppo numeroso dà il tempo di riflettere su ciò che è stato finora raggiunto e su ciò che manca ancora, su quali possono essere le nostre risorse per migliorare la nostra resilienza e quali sono i problemi in sospeso che aspettano di essere affrontati ancora. Rumi dice che l'amore è una danza tra luce e ombra. Venite a danzare con noi per resistere alle tempeste e raccogliere, si spera, un cielo azzurro alla fine, ovunque sia e per quanto tempo potrebbe volerci. Venite e unitevi a noi di nuovo.

2. Large Group
Eva Fahlströhm Borg & Jorge Burmeister Petullá
17.30 - 18.30

The 2d large gives time to reflect what has been achieved yet and what is still missing, what can be our ressources to enhance our resilience and what are the pending issues which are still waiting to be addressed. Rumi says love is a dance between light and shadow. Come and dance with us to stand the storms and to harvest hopefully a blue sky in the end - whereever it is and how long it might take. Come and join us again.


El segundo grupo grande da tiempo para reflexionar sobre lo que se ha logrado hasta ahora y lo que falta aún, cuáles pueden ser nuestros recursos para mejorar nuestra resiliencia y cuáles son los asuntos pendientes que esperan aún para ser abordados. Rumi dice que el amor es una danza entre la luz y la sombra. Ven y baila con nosotros para aguantar las tormentas y, con suerte, cosechar un cielo azul al final, donde sea y por mucho tiempo que lleve. Ven y únete a nosotros de nuevo.


Il secondo gruppo numeroso dà il tempo di riflettere su ciò che è stato finora raggiunto e su ciò che manca ancora, su quali possono essere le nostre risorse per migliorare la nostra resilienza e quali sono i problemi in sospeso che aspettano di essere affrontati ancora. Rumi dice che l'amore è una danza tra luce e ombra. Venite a danzare con noi per resistere alle tempeste e raccogliere, si spera, un cielo azzurro alla fine, ovunque sia e per quanto tempo potrebbe volerci. Venite e unitevi a noi di nuovo.

3. Large Group
Mario Buchbinder
17.30 - 18.30

Arca: Large, numerous group, Sensations in the sea 

Arca: Grupo numeroso, grupo, grande, Sensaciones en el mar

 Arca: grupo grande. Senzacioni nel mare 

En el grupo numeroso se tendrá en cuenta la resignificación de lo ocurrido en el Congreso del Arca y las diversas sensaciones Sonidos, melodías, luz, oscuridad, la luna, tormenta, calma, peligros de zozobrar, de los monstruos. Juego corporal dramático con máscaras. Se pasarán por diferentes espacios: 1 En la tierra 2 Acción de embarcar 3 Embarcados 4 En la mar 5 Vuelta a tierra Momentos de sensibilización, de concientización, movimientos corporales, dramáticos con máscaras, de escena. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------In the large group, the resignification of what happened at the Ark Congress and the various sensations will be taken into account. Sounds, melodies, light, darkness, the moon, storm, calm, dangers of capsizing, of monsters. Dramatic body play with masks. They will go through different spaces: 1 On earth 2 Action of boarding 3 Shipped 4 At sea 5 Return to land Moments of sensitization, awareness, body movements, dramatic with masks, scenes. ------------------------------------------------------ 

 Nel grande gruppo si terrà conto della rassegnazione di quanto avvenuto al Congresso dell'Arca e delle varie sensazioni. Suoni, melodie, luci, tenebre, luna, tempesta, calma, pericoli di ribaltamento, di mostri. Gioco drammatico del corpo con le maschere. Attraverseranno diversi spazi: 1 Sulla terra 2 Azione di imbarco 3 Spedito 4 In mare 5 Ritorno a terra Momenti di sensibilizzazione, consapevolezza, movimenti del corpo, drammaticità con maschere, scene.

4. Large Group
Maite Pi Ordoñez & Judith Teszary
Sunday / Domingo
12 - 13

The purpose of this large group is to explore our experiences, feelings, and reflections during the conference.

We will use online tools (break-out rooms, expressive art techniques and plenary reflections) to summarize the outcomes of the workshops, lectures, and social dreaming matrix and try to identify together the co-conscious archetypes that emerged during the process.


El propósito de este gran grupo es explorar nuestras experiencias, sentimientos y reflexiones durante la conferencia. 

Utilizaremos herramientas en línea (salas de trabajo, técnicas de expresión artística, y reflexiones plenarias) para resumir los resultados de los talleres, las conferencias y la matriz de sueños sociales e intentar identificar juntos los arquetipos co-conscientes que han ido surgiendo durante el proceso.


Lo scopo di questo grande gruppo è di esplorare le nostre esperienze, sentimenti e riflessioni durante la conferenza. 

Utilizzeremo strumenti online (stanze di break-out, arti espressive e riflessioni plenarie) per riassumere i risultati dei workshop, delle lezioni e della matrice del sogno sociale e cercare di identificare insieme gli archetipi co-consci emersi durante il processo.


4. Large Group
Maite Pi & Judith Teszary
Sunday / Domingo
12 - 13

The purpose of this large group is to explore our experiences, feelings, and reflections during the conference.

We will use online tools (break-out rooms, expressive art techniques and plenary reflections) to summarize the outcomes of the workshops, lectures, and social dreaming matrix and try to identify together the co-conscious archetypes that emerged during the process.


El propósito de este gran grupo es explorar nuestras experiencias, sentimientos y reflexiones durante la conferencia. 

Utilizaremos herramientas en línea (salas de trabajo, técnicas de expresión artística, y reflexiones plenarias) para resumir los resultados de los talleres, las conferencias y la matriz de sueños sociales e intentar identificar juntos los arquetipos co-conscientes que han ido surgiendo durante el proceso.


Lo scopo di questo grande gruppo è di esplorare le nostre esperienze, sentimenti e riflessioni durante la conferenza. 

Utilizzeremo strumenti online (stanze di break-out, arti espressive e riflessioni plenarie) per riassumere i risultati dei workshop, delle lezioni e della matrice del sogno sociale e cercare di identificare insieme gli archetipi co-consci emersi durante il processo.

Social Dreaming Matrix
Maurizio Gasseau & Wilma Scategny
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9-10
Viernes, Sábado & Domingo 9 - 10
Venerdi, Sabato e Domenica 9 - 10

The Social Dreaming Matrix is an "on going process" (which lasts for all the days of "Arca") and has the function of collecting the nocturnal echoes of the meeting. It consists in telling and sharing of the dreams that the participants wish to tell the group every morning. It is able to highlight and grasp the "Red Thread", which connects the individual, group with the collective unconscious and is expressed through the sequence of shared dream images, associations and their evolution.


La Matriz del Social Dreaming es un "proceso continuo" (que dura todos los días de "Arca"). Tiene la función de recoger los ecos nocturnos del encuentro contando y compartiendo los sueños que los participantes desean facilitar al grupo cada mañana. Es capaz de resaltar y captar el "Hilo Rojo", que conecta el inconsciente individual, grupal con el colectivo y se expresa a través de la secuencia de imágenes oníricas compartidas, asociaciones y su evolución.


Il social Dreaming è un "on going process"(che dura per  tutte le giornate di "Arca")  ed ha la funzione di raccogliere gli echi notturni dell'incontro. Consiste nel racconto e nella condivisione dei sogni che i partecipanti desiderano raccontare ogni mattina al gruppo.  E' in grado di mettere in evidenza e cogliere il "filo Rosso", che collega l'inconscio individuale, di gruppo e collettivo e si esprime attraverso la sequenza delle immagini oniriche condivise e la loro evoluzione.

Social Dreaming Matrix
Maurizio Gasseau & Wilma Scategny
Friday, Saturday & Sunday 9-10
Viernes, Sábado & Domingo 9 - 10
Venerdi, Sabato e Domenica 9 - 10

The Social Dreaming Matrix is an "on going process" (which lasts for all the days of "Arca") and has the function of collecting the nocturnal echoes of the meeting. It consists in telling and sharing of the dreams that the participants wish to tell the group every morning. It is able to highlight and grasp the "Red Thread", which connects the individual, group with the collective unconscious and is expressed through the sequence of shared dream images, associations and their evolution.


La Matriz del Social Dreaming es un "proceso continuo" (que dura todos los días de "Arca"). Tiene la función de recoger los ecos nocturnos del encuentro contando y compartiendo los sueños que los participantes desean facilitar al grupo cada mañana. Es capaz de resaltar y captar el "Hilo Rojo", que conecta el inconsciente individual, grupal con el colectivo y se expresa a través de la secuencia de imágenes oníricas compartidas, asociaciones y su evolución.


Il social Dreaming è un "on going process"(che dura per  tutte le giornate di "Arca")  ed ha la funzione di raccogliere gli echi notturni dell'incontro. Consiste nel racconto e nella condivisione dei sogni che i partecipanti desiderano raccontare ogni mattina al gruppo.  E' in grado di mettere in evidenza e cogliere il "filo Rosso", che collega l'inconscio individuale, di gruppo e collettivo e si esprime attraverso la sequenza delle immagini oniriche condivise e la loro evoluzione.

Magdalene  Jeyarathnam   India
Thursday / Jueves

"Sailing Stormy Waters: Finding Hope in a Sea of Despair,"            This lecture examines ten Psychodrama sessions conducted over 12 months with young men in a correctional setting. These participants, aged 16 to early 20s, were either serving sentences or awaiting trial outcomes. The sessions, facilitated by the author and colleagues from the Indian Institute of Psychodrama, utilized action methods like sociometry and role-playing to break down gang barriers, build trust, and foster empathy among the inmates. The article highlights the therapeutic value of Psychodrama in prisons, promoting emotional expression and personal growth in a challenging environment, while addressing systemic mental health gaps.

"Navegando por aguas tormentosas: encontrar esperanza en un mar de desesperación"          Esta conferencia examina diez sesiones de psicodrama realizadas durante 12 meses con hombres jóvenes en un entorno penitenciario. Estos participantes, de entre 16 y 20 años, estaban cumpliendo condena o esperando el resultado de un juicio. Las sesiones, facilitadas por el autor y colegas del Instituto Indio de Psicodrama, utilizaron métodos de acción como la sociometría y el juego de roles para derribar las barreras de las pandillas, generar confianza y fomentar la empatía entre los reclusos. El artículo destaca el valor terapéutico del psicodrama en las prisiones, promoviendo la expresión emocional y el crecimiento personal en un entorno desafiante, al tiempo que aborda las brechas sistémicas de salud mental.

"Navigando in acque tempestose: trovare la speranza in un mare di disperazione"                                 Questa conferenza esamina dieci sessioni di psicodramma condotte nell'arco di 12 mesi con giovani uomini in un contesto correzionale. Questi partecipanti, di età compresa tra 16 e 20 anni, stavano scontando la pena o erano in attesa dell'esito del processo. Le sessioni, facilitate dall'autore e dai colleghi dell'Indian Institute of Psychodrama, hanno utilizzato metodi di azione come la sociometria e il role-playing per abbattere le barriere delle gang, creare fiducia e promuovere l'empatia tra i detenuti. L'articolo evidenzia il valore terapeutico dello psicodramma nelle carceri, promuovendo l'espressione emotiva e la crescita personale in un ambiente difficile, affrontando al contempo le lacune sistemiche della salute mentale.

CV: Magdalene Jeyarathnam

Pioneering Expressive Arts Therapist & Certified Psychodramatist: With nearly 30 years of experience in counseling and therapy, Magdalene Jeyarathnam is a trailblazer in the field of expressive arts therapy and psychodrama. As a certified psychodramatist, she has worked with individuals, couples, and groups, including family groups, in India and globally.

A Legacy of Impact: Magdalene’s extensive experience spans working with addiction, HIV/AIDS, and mental health issues, collaborating with government agencies nationally, and with UNICEF, and WHO on various HIV related projects. She is the founder of the East West Center for Counselling and the Indian Institute of Psychodrama, India’s first psychodrama training institute.

Leadership & Recognition: Magdalene is a founding member of the Indian Academy of Professional Supervisors. She serves on the board of directors for the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes(IAGP). She is a certified “international trainer” of IAGP. She is a co-founder of the Expressive Arts Therapy Association of India. Her outstanding work with the LGBTQ+ communicty and HIV/AIDS has earned her the prestigious Neil Passariello Memorial Award for 2024 by the Amercian Association of Group Psyhcotherapy and Psychodrama(ASGPP)

Certified Psychodramatist, Trainer and Supervisor: Magdalene is the first Indian psychodramatist trained in India. She has learned from renowned experts like Dr. Herb Propper, Sue Daniel, and Dr. Jorge Burmeister. She has run psychodrama workshops in Malmo, Melbourne, Thessaloniki, Antalya, Cairo, Zurich, Istanbul, Los Angeles, Iseo, Pescara and many cities across India.

Passionate & Inspiring: Beyond her impressive credentials, Magdalene is a passionate teacher, nature lover, and art enthusiast. Her dedication to expressive arts therapy and psychodrama has transformed countless lives, and her continued pursuit of excellence inspires others to follow in her footsteps. 

17 - 18

"Sailing Stormy waters: We are one with this planet to create Peace and Love" In memoriam Mónica Zuretti                                  We like to express with this service our deep lament and sorrow for the loss of our dearest colleague Mónica Zuretti who was a human being loved by so many, someone unique, a model to follow in her sense of justice, her affection and her compassion for all living beings on mother earth, our pacha mama! She had a greater wisdom (Mitty Mittermeier's term) resonating with nature and its essence which was a special gift! May we all find comfort with those colleagues who like to accompany us to continue her path without collapsing and without losing sight of the dream of her life. So we will will try to realize it with this project and many others to come.

Her spirit of co-building a bridge towards peace between all of us, encouraging us with her vision of a primordial connectivity and a place always open and always possible for hope is a gift from her to all of us especially at such a delicate time.

In this  ceremony we honour her  with the hope to be able to build on her legacy, the  profoundly beautiful vision of humanity and our role in this creation.

"Navegando aguas tempestuosas: Somos uno con este planeta para crear Paz y Amor" In memoriam Mónica Zuretti                    Queremos expresar con este homenaje nuestro profundo lamento y dolor por la pérdida de nuestra querida compañera Mónica Zuretti quien fue un ser humano amado por tantos, alguien único, un modelo a seguir en su sentido de justicia, su cariño y su compasión por todos los seres vivos de la madre tierra, nuestra pacha mama! Ella tenía una sabiduría mayor (término de Mitty Mittermeier) resonando con la naturaleza y su esencia lo cual fue un regalo especial! Que todos encontremos consuelo en aquellas compañeras que les gusta acompañarnos para continuar su camino sin derrumbarse y sin perder de vista el sueño de su vida. Así trataremos de hacerlo realidad con este proyecto y muchos otros por venir.

Su espíritu de co-construir un puente hacia la paz entre todos nosotros, alentándonos con su visión de una conectividad primordial y un lugar siempre abierto y siempre posible para la esperanza es un regalo de ella para todos nosotros especialmente en un momento tan delicado.

En esta ceremonia la honramos con la esperanza de poder siempre cooperar inspirados por la visión profundamente bella que tiene Mónica sobre la humanidad y nuestro papel en esta creación.

"Navigando in acque tempestose: siamo un tutt'uno con questo pianeta per creare pace e amore" In memoria di Mónica Zuretti         Ci piace esprimere con questo servizio il nostro profondo lamento e dolore per la perdita della nostra carissima collega Mónica Zuretti che era un essere umano amato da così tante persone, una persona unica, un modello da seguire nel suo senso di giustizia, nel suo affetto e nella sua compassione per tutti gli esseri viventi sulla madre terra, la nostra pacha mama! Aveva una saggezza più grande (termine di Mitty Mittermeier) in risonanza con la natura e la sua essenza che era un dono speciale! Che tutti noi possiamo trovare conforto con quei colleghi che amano accompagnarci per continuare il suo percorso senza crollare e senza perdere di vista il sogno della sua vita. Quindi cercheremo di realizzarlo con questo progetto e molti altri a venire.

Il suo spirito di co-costruzione di un ponte verso la pace tra tutti noi, incoraggiandoci con la sua visione di una connettività primordiale e di un luogo sempre aperto e sempre possibile per la speranza è un dono da parte sua a tutti noi, soprattutto in un momento così delicato.

In questa cerimonia la onoriamo con la speranza di poter sempre collaborare ispirati dalla visione profondamente bella di Mónica dell'umanità e del nostro ruolo in questa creazione.

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